Thank you for your interest in the SURGE Program.
Suriname Growth Enterprises (SURGE) is a Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technological Innovation (MEA) program designed to support Surinamese Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs/Companies).
SURGE works with promising companies to solve binding constraints to sales growth by providing business development services (BDS) and matching grants to the company to boost their sales and productivity growth and help them prepare to supply larger buyer-enterprises and demanding markets.
SURGE follows a buyer-led approach: it wants to accelerate the business of the already existing companies with verifiable growth-potential for sales, exports, and jobs.
For selected high-growth potential companies with the best ratios the SURGE Program provides:
- Various Business Development Services (BDS) to support the companies to develop and achieve their sales growth plans.
- Matching grants for companies in specific interventions to boost sales and productivity. Matching grants for individual companies ranges from minimum US$5,000 to maximum US$100,000, and for a group of companies from minimum US$150,000 to maximum US$300,000.
Guidelines for the application include:
- Apply as an Individual company or as an eligible State-Owned Enterprise or as a group of companies.
- Provide documented annual sales revenues over the past 3 years.
- MSMEs with 3-50 employees and sales revenue of minimum US$ 20,000 and maximum US$1,000,000 annually.
- SURGE wants committed owners, who want to expand sales & employment.
- SURGE is targeting with exports, import-substitution, and economic diversification.
- MSME is listed in the Trade Register and has a valid tax-number.
- SURGE especially encourages women, indigenous, and maroon entrepreneurs to apply.